
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Never ever?

Phoebe is gonna kill me, but I'm stealing her idea from the Beekslayer list, because it seems like the perfect blog game. The game is called "Well, I Never..." and each player says things they have never done. Everyone begins the game holding up 10 fingers, and any time someone says something you have done you have to put a finger down. Last one with any fingers still up wins.

I'll start; feel free to jump in here or on your own blogs. Hey, by the weekend we could have the entire Blogging Universe playing...

WELL, I NEVER- got really blitzed while doing shots and playing strip poker with Maureen Dowd and Ann Coulter and then went over to George Bush's place and pissed on his lawn after a totally wasted Maureen Dowd double-dog-dared me to-

[Now here's the kicker, for all the points]

BEFORE Bush was President.

I mean "after", well, if I had a quarter...


Forrest Proper said...

That's the way to play; my wife agreed with you; I, however, just put another finger down. Not bragging, just pessimistic I guess.

Phoebe Fay said...

I have never danced naked on a mountaintop with Johnny Depp and the Dalai Lama. Yet. I'm still planning to someday.

Forrest Proper said...

...and that "guy" in robes wasn't the Dalai Llama; she was "Dolly Mama", a stripper from Shreveport.

It was Johnny Depp, though.

jgodsey said...

strangely i remember this game involving liquor.