
Monday, May 01, 2006

Qwicky Qwiz...

What is desperately wrong with the following sentence which I culled from the morning's news?

"Rolling Stones star Keith Richards was hospitalized on Thursday, suffering from concussion after falling out of a palm tree in Fiji."

OK, time's up.

You know, I gave the Stones a hard time a few months ago when they played the SooperDooperBlow, and I don't take back word of it- they looked incredibly stupid jumping around on stage like that. And it's not as if they've done anything new in the last twenty years or so to justify their silly antics.

But even if you think they should still be performing concerts, c'mon- does this look like a man who should be climbing palm trees in Fiji???


Forrest Proper said...

I dunno. I wouldn't want to vacationing in Fiji, dozing under a palm tree, look up and see that face grinning down at me... I'd think it was one of those ugly Fijian wooden idols come to life.

Forrest Proper said...

ckw- I know. I was considering putting up a nice pic I have of Denise Richards to erase the memory of Kieth, but we could do Marcia. Let me go look at the pics again and mull this over.