Here's a picture I took two years ago during the annual Library Sale/Vintage Auto Show/Vintage Tractor Show that's held there each September.

It's a lot of fun, with the Fire Department setting up a burger and hot dog cookout, and more and more vintage cars every year- last year there must have been more than 75 of them, including some real lookers.
And speaking of lookers, here's the image Phoebe Fay remembered my posting once or twice before-

And, since we're on the subject, these aren't exactly librarians, but they are book lovers-

Dashiell Chandler? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Wow, that library is cool
Ahhh, angryman beat me to it.
Bibliobimbo? Now I've got to get a copy of that book.
Oh Colonel! Them's two fine libraries you've got there! Thank you so much for playing along. (Can you imagine a woman who would "do anything for a first edition"??)
"John Thomas"? Doesn't that mean 'penis'? I wonder if his parents knew.
I am so in love!
Vintage cars, tractors, hot dogs, AND the library? I'm moving to your town!
I was thinking the very thing that, here today, gone tomorrow said. That sounds lovely to me and the brick building is wonderful. Sure looks more serious than the new sleek buildings we see down here in florida today.
Angryman: yeah, it's clever. These were put together by a bookseller, whose name I have now lost, a few years ago. We are a clever, if dissolute, lot.
Malach: it is very cool in the summer.
Catalyst: he's quick on the draw, it's true.
Beach: I want the t-shirt.
Sara Sue: Hey! I married one...
Cissy: ow. I learn sumthin' new every day.
Mike: Hey! I got there first! You have a lawnmower with big tits, isn't that enough?
HGTT: There are 3,244 of us here, but there's always room for a few more. And the town has Connecticut River frontage.
PoP: Yeah, it's a cool little building, "little", I'm afraid, the operative word. The town is working on that, but until one of us wins the lottery...
Where are these ladies?
I've never even seen a hot chick at my library.
My favorite bar in college was called "The Public Library"
Made my mom proud when she knew I was spending so much time at "the library."
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