It's a phrase the Republicans have been throwing at Democrats since September 12th, 2001, but perhaps it's time to have them define just one more time exactly what the hell it's supposed to mean.
A September 10th Mentality, eh? What exactly does that mean? Does it mean a mentality that doesn't approve of unilaterally invading foreign countries that pose no threat to you? A mentality that does not approve of a government illegally wiretapping its own citizens? A mentality that does not condone torture, or imprisonment without charge or trial? Is it a mentality that cares about law, the Constitution and due process, and does not thrive on hate, fear and ignorance?
I mean, you know... I'm just asking.
Hey- I'm patriotic, and I approve of displaying the flag as much as possible...

Mike posted about boxers vs. briefs today, and alluded to a condition known as, well, "gapping", which reminded me of this-
There's nothing wrong with having a September 10th mentality. I mean honestly, it beats the hell out of having a September 12th mentality.
If there's truly a difference between a September 10th mentality and a September 12th mentality, then, well, I guess that means the terrorists have won.
Wojciehowicz was my FAVORITE. That's a screaming riot....
Hey, it is Barack and McCain back in the 70's . . oh wait, the Albino Midget was being poked by sharpened Bamboo back then
Rubber chicken!!
No, you rubber chicken ...
Mike: I have a September 12th Mentality- September 12th, 1979.
Kaytie: Absolutely, but who's going to tell George?
Mrs. Chili: ok, honestly, did you know how to spell Wojciehowicz without Googling it?
Malach: I think they should hold a Death Cage Match.
C.Rag: But dates are good. They're full of good vitamins, and keep you regular.
Cissy: Thank you! Thank you! I was hoping somebody would say "Rubber chicken!!"
I like prunes over dates.
Is it a mentality that cares about law, the Constitution and due process, and does not thrive on hate, fear and ignorance?
Some neocon, Karl Rove I think, years back at the beginning of the Bush administration said that were an empire now and we create our own reality. The Constitution, due process, and all the niceties you mentioned don't fit with an empire.
You need to stop thinking like it's 9/10/01.
I miss September 10, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
The Rethugs have beaten the 9/11 theme so much, it's turned into little more than an unrecognizable ball of slimy pulp. And I can't wait to see Karl Rove step right into like a guy stepping on a banana peel.
I used to always have a rubber chicken in my possession. It kept me sane through some bad years. It's funny you should select this scene, C.C., I always think of Polanski as a Wojo type!
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