I'm really sorry I don't have any photos of what the field looked like before he started, but a few years ago, before they moved in, it looked quite a lot like this photo I stole off the 'net-

Yesterday afternoon it looked like this-

Our neighbor Father Coonan began things by giving the field an official blessing-

And then it was time for some FOOOOOOTBALLLLLL!

After a half-hour hiatus during which about three inches of rain poured down and the lightning crackled, play and eating continued into the evening. If you listened closely you could almost hear the swoosh-swoosh of the players of yesterday walking through the fields beyond the fence.

Nice to see some places haven't been taken over by suburbs. Around me you can't throw a rock without it going into someone's yard. That includes the high school and its playing fields.
So you can roast the loser after the game, right?
And in the winter you can play real football
Beach: Around here you can't throw a rock without hitting corn or tobacco or potatoes.
C.Rag: shush. I keep telling you, that was "venison".
Malach: If you can dodge the snowmobiles...
Looks like a great time Colonel.
Did anyone catch on fire?
IF not, then it wasn't really a party.
I was in Germany during the World Cup. This looks like slightly more fun.
Glad to see that you have a fence up to keep the illegals out. Border security is important.
Well, personally, I prefer a good game of croquet to a game of futbol, but now that your neighborhood has the facilities for both, it's even closer to perfect!
Reminds me of an outdoor concert we went to at a friend farm. They had a small outdoor stage set up next to a barn just under the edge of the woods. IT poured half way through. But it was probably one of the hottest days of the summer. The muscians where clear with the stage having a roof, so we all just sat in our chairs and let the rain cool us off....until the bolt of lightening hit about 100 yards away and we decided that electric guitars were out and drums were in.
Mike: A great time was had by all, including the black flies.
Thomas: Well, no people caught fire, but the soccer ball did bounce off the top of the grill once, missing going into the flames by just about -- that much.
Cissy: No Germans here, jah, only der Poles.
AngryMan: You bet we got fences- those damned Canadians are everywhere...
Phoebe: and our other neighbor has a pool and horseshoe court, and I keep threatening to build a bocci court. We gots it all.
MI: Yeah, we have a healthy respect for lightning. Everyone went in when it went FLASH - KABOOM!!
I liked it better when it was just wild flowers and all, but I understand the need for folks to have fun too. He did a really nice job.
PoP: well, that first pic is not his field, I got it off the net. The actual field was pretty trashed, having been used for crops up until a few years ago, and then basically filled in with briars and weeds, not wildflowers.
How lovely! I can hear the sloshing AND smell the bbq!
Okay, stop playing in the field and get back to blogging. I'm gonna hold my breath until you do. Here I go....
That looks like a mighty fun undertaking and gathering.
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