Patriotism has become a contact sport, and that's not a good thing. Patriotism as love of country is essentially meaningless, because it assumes blind loyalty, and that can include anything, including illegal wars and torture- hey, I was referring to the Nazis starting WWII, and the Chinese communist torture of political prisoners -why, what did you think I meant?
In any case, I hung the red-white-and-blue bunting off our porch yesterday, because it pleases me to do so, just as it pleases me to hang the flag off the porch every morning. I think I have said before here that it's a bad idea to let the Limbaughs and Neocons steal patriotism, because we not only let them steal the definition of what patriotism is, but we also let them steal the country while they are at it. If patriotism is what THEY say it is- agreement with a Republican president of the moment, then what's the point?
But IF patriotism is EXPECTING the very best for your country, and FIGHTING FOR the very best FROM your country, NOW we're talking.
What if patriotism is *not* blindly supporting your countries temporary leader, but instead is supporting your countries founding ideals???
Huh. Interesting concept.
We've got beer an burgers in the fridge, and badminton and croquet stuff on the lawn, and relatives, friends and neighbors over here tomorrow. But what music shall we play? I have a July 4th Medley started for tomorrow, but please, give me some more ideas. Whatever your side of the political spectrum, what should we be listening to tomorrow, to celebrate our collective birthday?
There's only one and it's on my blog right now. Check it out.
The Patriots, my favorite football team
How about "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" by the band. Great song and there is always something so poignant about defeat and the end of failed policies.
I am the subject of much ridicule over it but dammit I like John Denver, his songs appeal to a honest love of country for me. Going the opposite direction I can't stand that Lee Greenwood song "God bless the USA" which every neocon I've ever seen gets misty eyed over.
Oh Colonel ... is this one for me too! haha
Beach Bum - how about Denver's classic "Rocky Mountain, Not Quite High Enough".
I don't know which music you should play but if you play anything by Joe Cocker, I'll be right over. Do you have Sapphire gin? If not you might want to pick some up for me.
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