-What are the American people thinking? Are we actually about to elect a President who is charismatic, popular, and generally liked, instead of a nasty, botoxed, albino dwarf who eats live baby lizards for lunch? WTF????
-And who is Paris Hilton going to vote for now?
-Does Prince Charles have a blog? Does Queen Elizabeth? What do they blog about? "Had to rub elbows with the commoners again all day. God, I need a sherry!".
-Is Hell an actual place, and if it is, and I end up there, will they make me share a room with George Bush?
-Who first decided that it would be a good idea to make a "tofuburger", and will they be sharing that room in Hell with Dubya?
-Should we be calling the Blogger-Google combo Bloggle or Glooger? How about Goober?
-Do I really need to know what 'Facebook' is?
-3 things God has to answer BIGTIME for- mosquitos, eggplant, Mel Gibson movies.
-Hey, Kate Hudson- ditch lance Armstrong. He's a steroid-pumped, serial-lying, three-time LOSER.
-Manny who?
Manny WHO?! This Bay kid looks pretty good to me; did alright last night, anyway...
I'm looking at this trade as a stroke of brilliance. Nobody, but nobody thought Theo could get anywhere near good value for Manny, and he did.
Yes, hell is an actual place. If you don't believe me tune into a cable channel and watch an all-day Law and Order marathon.
You'll have to be much more evil to earn that particular room in hell.
Kaytie- I guess you're right. How about the guy who decided to pickle and sell pig's feet?
So you really really like Lance Armstrong,huh?
I want to have his steroid-filled babies.
Lance Armstrong is a loser?
Well if banging Kate Hudson and Sheryl Crow marks you as a loser, then sign me up.
I remember Manny. Mr. Awesome Jaybay replaced him
moooog- well, yes, there's always that.
malach- manny... Manny? huh, no, no, I can't remember anyone.
Prince Charles thinks he has a blog. But it is really just a boring video that someone who does his website has crammed in there to make him seem 'up to date' with technology.
Which says a lot.
Ah come on Colonel, Braveheart is a pretty good movie. But my wife is always telling me I have no taste.
Gorgeous Kate Hudson is now with that bastard who dumped the smoking hot Sheryl Crow? Sweet Jesus, reality just plain sucks.
Reverend- I was looking for His Highness's blog on His website, but went to sleep.
Beach- Braveheart was fine in the battle scenes, but the Australian/Scotts accent once they got him on the scaffold just kept me laughing so hard I couldn't really concentrate. Kate Hudson needs better taste, that's for sure.
You poor baby. You have been over stimulated and now have blown a gasket.
Take two aspirn and call me in the morning. Then, I'll tell you it was all true.
MI- I've blown several gaskets. I blame Bush.
>>I was looking for His Highness's blog on His website, but went to sleep.
Aha! My insomnia prayers answered at last!
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