BERN, Switzerland— Artist Paul McCarthy’s 'Complex Shit', a giant inflatable dog turd the size of a house, blew loose from its moorings at the Zentrum Paul Klee last week, bringing down power lines, breaking windows and creating a general uproar before landing on the grounds of a children’s home 200 meters away. Although the unintended flight happened on July 31, details emerged only yesterday.
The McCarthy piece is part of the exhibition "East of Eden: A Garden Show," which runs through October 26. According to Juri Steiner, the director of the Klee center, the museum was not yet sure if the work would go back on display.

Ohhh that is what that thing was in Phoebe's front yard last week. Damn, and I thought it was a pile of dead hippos. This makes much more sense now...and Mooooog probably was responsible for this. And if he wasn't, he should have been.
I think we all need to chip in and get Moooog a helium-filled one for his birthday.
And if that had happened here in America, we would have run away screaming when we saw it coming because we would have thought it was some kind of chemical warfare attack launched by Osama bin Laden.
25 Americans would have died because they suffocated themselves with saran wrap and duct tape.
You're right. The artist would be sitting in Gitmo as we speak...
Oh, dear!
Well Mooooog went on vacation...AGAIN. How dare he! Who does he think he is taking all of these vacations? What is that, 3 so far this summer??
Party at Mooooog's! He left the back door open.
Well I admit it, Pat Buchanan is right. Western Civilization is dead. We have gone from da Vinci and Rembrandt to super sized inflated dog poo.
I love, love, love your masthead and couldn't agree with you more ...
Now that is a stool sample
Well.... as they say, 'Shit Happens'. And when it happens to be giant flying shit, then you just have to thank your lucky stars there's no giant fan around.
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