- One of her main selling points seems to be that she "stood up to the oil companies" in Alaska. In fact, she shook them down for more state money. Now that's fine- apparently several oil companies were exploiting a tax loophole which she closed, netting the state additional tax revenue, but it's hardly the image the phrase "standing up" conjures in most minds. In fact Palin has a long history of bending over backwards to support the oil companies, including supporting opening the ANWAR to drilling, ignoring the Alaska State Environmental Office's own scientific assessment that polar bears should be given protected species status, opposing any environmental rule or law change that would hurt Big Oil, and she recently gave half a billion (that's a Billion with a "B") dollars in Alaskan state funds to one oil company to help it build a private pipeline. Way to "stand up" to big oil, Sarah!
-It has been widely reported, and claimed by Palin herself, that she was not only opposed to the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere", but stopped the project. Both statements are outright lies. Congress stopped the project, and Palin, both as a candidate and as governor, supported it.
That's it for today- I'm sure that given an additional 24 hours she'll manage to come out with some more whoppers. Yes sir, she's a perfect addition to the GOP ticket.
I like her psycho sexy nurse outfit in this pic
But... but... but... she has a vagina!
Malach: Well, yes, that is a qualification.
Phoebe: Damn! but, um, so does Ann Coulter. Oh. Uh, well, maybe not. But Michelle Malkin probably does.
I expect they will claim foreign policy experience soon since Fox Noise's Steve Docy said she should have it since Alaska and Russia are so close.
i still think McCain did everything but throw in the towel with this pick. she brings nothing to the table but obfuscation.
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