John McCain Not Sure How Many Houses He Owns
WASHINGTON (AP) — Days after he cracked that being rich in the U.S. meant earning at least $5 million a year, Republican presidential candidate John McCain acknowledged that he wasn't sure how many houses he and his wealthy wife actually own.
"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain responded to a question posed by Politico, according to a story Thursday on the publication's Web site. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."
Later, the McCain campaign told Politico that McCain and his wife, Cindy, have at least four in three states, Arizona, California and Virginia. Newsweek recently estimated the two owned at least seven properties.
On the campaign trail, McCain doesn't refer to his wife's wealth, estimated by some at $100 million and based on her late father's Arizona beer distributorship. McCain's campaign didn't respond immediately to a request for comment Thursday.
"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain responded to a question posed by Politico, according to a story Thursday on the publication's Web site. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."
Later, the McCain campaign told Politico that McCain and his wife, Cindy, have at least four in three states, Arizona, California and Virginia. Newsweek recently estimated the two owned at least seven properties.
On the campaign trail, McCain doesn't refer to his wife's wealth, estimated by some at $100 million and based on her late father's Arizona beer distributorship. McCain's campaign didn't respond immediately to a request for comment Thursday.
That's our Johnny boy! One commentator said McCain couldn't answer because he couldn't count that high!
I am constantly losing track of my houses! It's just too much to keep track of. It's bad enough I keep forgetting where I buried the money. Next time I will tattoo the map on my ass. That's what he should do to help him remember too!
Truth be told Cindy is the evil genius controlling McCain through advanced robotics because in all honesty he has been brain dead since the 90's. While McCain can walk and talk like any simple toy robot from as far back as the 70's basic math and advanced responses have to be added later.
Awww, c'mon, give him a break. Sometimes I forget too. And also how many Utilities I own, and whether I have motels on Boardwalk.
The Gurning Champion of the USA!!!
Home and dry
The man's and elderly albino midget, give him a break
Oh, boo f'ing hoo.
Jesus Christ.
Like YOU wouldn't want to be able to lose track of how many houses you own? Christ, I'D like to have that f'ing problem.
Plus, I'm sure every time he's in one of them and hears a dripping faucet, he goes into full "Rambo flashback mode." Christ...give the rich guy and his gmilf wife a friggin' break.
Maybe I missed something...but how is this question relevant to his campaign? I mean really, they're ALL rich, they ALL have multimillion dollar homes, they ALL have things us lowly citizens will never have. And even the ones who raised themselves up out of poverty have turned over to the dark side of politics and wealth. So, call me dumb, but I just don't get this question.
Well, the entire campaign is about public perception, and from Day #1 McCain and the rest of that crowd have been painting Obama as an elitist and out of touch- so this is payback. It's one of those great, defining campaign moments, like when Bush Senior went to a photo-op at a grocery store and had never seen a price scanner. The question- "do you really think that a man who has so many homes he cannot keep track of them all can feel empathy with the struggles of the Middle Class?" is, I think, a perfectly fair one to ask, especially after McCain began it all with those Paris Hilton advs. It may not be high-minded, but you have to fight fire with fire. Being high-minded lost Kerry the election and got us four more years of King George. This campaign is going to be dirty, and that's just the way it is.
*Just to preface, I'm not a McCain supporter or an Obama supporter. This is just my observation.
OK, I get that. It's about perception. And Obama has done a great job on picking up on what the people want to hear right now. I'll give him that.
But I think this question was a no win for McCain. If he answered incorrectly, he would be labeled a liar. If answered correctly, he'd be labeled as "out of touch" with the working class America. And by the way he answered, he's labeled as someone who can't sympathize because he can't remember how many houses he actually owns. And to be fair, a number of the homes he owns are actually from his wife's incredibly wealthy family.
And just because Obama only has one house, doesn't make him any more sympathetic to me. In the end, he's a politician. And none of them have sympathies for anyone but themselves and what will promote their own agendas.
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