Cissy Strutt was writing about selling things on Ebay recently, and since I sold my Sense of Shame there last year, I felt no compunction whatever about ripping off her idea for a Monday blog post. I sell and buy on Ebay, but buying by far is the most fun. Here are some really cool things I've won recently-
A bag full of Mitt Romney's Ethics-

The US Air Force's new fighter-interceptor, as modified by the Dept. of Defense to deal with high fuel costs-

A "non-chemical" garden-mole control system-

A pygmy albino fruit-bat-

Of course, not everything always goes well. The seller claimed this was a self-playing saxophone, but unless I let it play it's own tune it sulks and won't do anything at all...

And then there was Dick Cheney's Sense of Decency-

I'm assuming that last picture - Cheney's Sense of Decency - was taken using an electron microscope.
It was taken using a neutron electron microscope...
What no Beijing smog?
You forgot John McCain's high school diploma.
Malach: i understand Wal*Mart has lots of that in stock.
Atlas: Damn!
Cissy: it's true...
Thanks for the chuckle :)
Loved the "...pop tart..." and the Mitt Romney mention (may he get something itchy in his nether regions) :)
Be well.
I think you might be giving Mitt a lot more credit than he deserves.
Personally, I am not sure if that his is sense of ethics or his twin brother.
Dick Cheney's sense of decency? I bet that didn't sell for much.
I love this title. I love sluts.
I heard they took Cheney's sense of decency to a particle accelerator to analyze and it collided with a proton of about the same size and was annihilated. Go figure.
I'm laughing so hard, I might just pee my sweats! (kidding about sweats ... that was for Mike)I'd almost fuck Clinton in that picture.
You wanna keep that can of smog in a safe place - someday, hopefully, it might be worth something.
Wow, I've never bought or sold on ebay. Look at all the cool stuff I'm missing.
I just don't know which picture and caption is funnier. They each made me laugh out loud.
That's no Cheney's sense of decency...
...that's one of Obama's balls.
Maybe someday, they'll find the other one.
sideon: Hey, good to see you again! I've been completely negligent about visiting my favorite blogs...
Mike: Now that's an interesting thought.
Chris: Welcome to MMB, thanks for dropping in! No, it cost very little, and I got free shipping.
C. Rag: I thought you would.
Beach: We're just lucky the entire universe wasn't sucked down into it like a black hole.
Sara Sue: eeek! You go change, right now!
Reverend: I've got a gross of them. They're my retirement fund.
PoP: Ebay is the best place to find weird stuff. It's where McCain is going to find his Veep.
moooooog35: ok, you got me, it's not actually Cheney's Sense of Decency. It couldn't be- you can't take a photo of something that doesn't exist.
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