
Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Mike said...

Oh, I get it. There's nothing funny about the truth.

I'm right--aren't I?

Forrest Proper said...

yahhh! You win the Grand Prize- a 1958 Buick that gets 8 mpg.

anaglyph said...

How come you guys have got such an energy problem anyway - if you just switched your industry to running on hot air, George Bush alone would be able to fulfill your entire energy needs!

Commander Zaius said...

Out of all the crap Bush has shoved down our throats, along with screwing us up the butt with, gas prices is the one item that if it was a Democrat that brought about the increase the Republicans would be screaming for impeachment if not a coup. But to be honest unless there is a major hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico this summer I'm expecting gas prices to start to fall since 4.00$ a gallon gas would hurt the McCain campaign sort of like of gas prices began to drop a few months before the 2006 mid-term elections.

Phoebe Fay said...

The mission that was accomplished was the complete politicalization of every aspect of government and the weakening of all civil liberties. That was the goal. Gas prices, recession and endless war are just the bonus prizes.

Malach the Merciless said...

Which mission, when?

Anonymous said...

Look, all this Canadian wants is the Buick! I know how to cyphon gas! hahahhaaaaaaaaaaa

The Preacherman said...

do the plants have to sign anything?