
Monday, November 24, 2008



My cold is gone, but now I've got hay fever again.

I'm just going to sell my goddman nose on Ebay. I'm through with it.

Where the fuk did that other box of Kleenex go???



Mike said...


Just the thought of having a cold makes me sick.

Forrest Proper said...

You can have this one, no charge. It's good to get out of any amount of chores, but I'm sick of it.


buy Kleenex stock. it's about to shoot up.

E Chuod said...

So, how much for the nose?

And Bless you, by the way.

Malach the Merciless said...

I got the cold from your damn blog!

Mrs. Chili said...

HEY fever?! REALLY?! There's nothing still around to sneeze at around here - it's all kinda frozen.

Sorry, Dude. Feel better.

Sara Sue said...

Try the vodka.

Moooooog35 said...


Kleenex are for blowing your nose?!?!?

All this time I've been using them for the other thing.

Puffs Plus with Lotion is soothing.

Hungry Mother said...

I must have caught a virus from your blog. There's porn all over my computer. It's in my downloads and my browser history.