
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ANARCHY (oops, sorry- butter) IN THE U.K.!!!!

Here in America we have become sadly used to the sight of our former rock 'n roll idols, counter-culture heroes and youthful ne-er-do-wells selling their images or songs to shill pickup trucks and instant pudding.

But, you know, this is America. We're greedy like that.

But now the rot has officially come to England. I'm not sure if our friend the Manic Street Preacher is ready to see this (though he probably already has), but Johnny Rotten is now flogging-




Phoebe Fay said...

It works for me. I'm ready to hop on a plane to Heathrow just to get me some of that butter!

(And isn't Johnny Rotten also a marine biologist or something?)

Commander Zaius said...

One time a few years ago a loose collection of Buffett fans I was a part of lamented how Jimmy had sold out opening Margaritaville stores around the country like Waffle Houses off a seedy interstate exit.

We all ended up figuring aging rock/pop/country stars have to eat too.

Forrest Proper said...

Phoebe: Well, Mick Jagger was a graduate of the London School of Economics, so nothing would surprise me.

Beach: It's true, but still... but still.

Malach the Merciless said...

Holy Shit, that is almost as funny and Shane McGowan advertising dental services!

Sara Sue said...

NOW I've seen everything!

Hungry Mother said...

They all sell out eventually.

Malicious Intent said...

I have this strange craving for a stick of butter and an english muffin on the side. With marmalade...if I can find it.

Mike said...

Hey, when a rock star lasts longer than his money does, he has to earn a living somehow.