The John McCain campaign, struggling after a two-week surge in the polls by Barack Obama, and handicapped by its' own candidates' hysterical behavior during the Bail-Out crisis, has unveiled a new poster for the last four weeks of the campaign which it says is meant to focus voters' minds on John McCain's qualifications for the Presidency-

They both enjoyed it so much the first time that Joe Biden and Sarah Palin squared off last night for an Encore Debate-
And finally, we're sorry to report that once again the Chicago Cubs will not be playing in the World Series, losing their National League Division Series to the Los Angeles Dodgers last night.
Some day there will be a midwestern world series again making the game worth watching.
I heard one of the broadcasters say last night that the Cubs had now lost nine playoff games in a row. I know the Diamondbacks swept them last year. What on earth is it with the Cubbies and the playoffs anyway? 'Course if they ever did make it to the Series, we might never again be able to hear that sweet Steve Goodman tune.
Mike: Remember The Big Red Machine?
Catalyst: Yes, in that Big Concert in the Sky, Steve gets to sing the song for another year.
Hey, you and me can feel for those Cubs fans right . . I mean 2004 is only a fews years ago.
Got love Tina Fey and the Cubs. But each for very different reasons. I sure as Hell hope Tina doesn't have to play that crazy bitch again after November 4th, except in some segment that has her take her family back to Alaska.
I've got a place for that flute.
I thought the SNL bit about the "victims" of the financial crisis was too true.
[Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up about Angry Ginger's arrival on the world stage. I really appreciate that. - L.]
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