
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Random Thursday Thoughts-

- Folks say we should support the Olympic Games in China this year, even though the Chinese are a terrorist state that is illegally occupying Tibet, because hosting the Olympics tends to make authoritarian regimes better. Well I am certainly on board with that, because I remember how well that argument worked in 1936 with the Nazi German Olympics...

-It turns out that a private company we contracted with to supply the Afghan army with ammunition sent them 40-year old Chinese bullets. Hey, there's taxpayer dollars well spent. Is John McCain or The Decider trying to figure that one out?

Is John McCain really thinking about picking Mitt Romney as his running mate??? Message to John- the guy is a lying skunk. Oh, wait- yeah, go ahead and run with him.

I have shopped at Wal*Mart twice in my life. I will never shop there again, and it not because an independent contractor for Wal*Mart made my mothers life a living Hell when he was trying to buy her house - it is because of Phoebe Fay's post today.

For anyone that owns a cat, or those of you who do not (and thank your lucky stars) this animation is so veeeery close to the truth-


Mike said...

You know, normally I would be totally against boycotting the Olympics because it is totally unfair to the athletes, but honestly, this is a golden opportunity. China has spent so much money and have gone through so much effort to make this a world class event, that if it flops due to boycotting efforts, it is going to have a huge ginormous impact on the Chinese government.

For the sake of the athletes, it does suck, but for the sake of Tibet and letting China know that they suck, I think it is necessary.

Malach the Merciless said...

I admit I am a Wal Mart Addict!

Mrs. Chili said...

Two things - first; BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! That cartoon is a RIOT!

Second, what do you suggest to the people who have discovered that the only place to get certain things (well, perhaps not the ONLY place, but the only place to get them reliably) is The Evil Empire? One of my cats (yes, I have cats, and no, they don't regularly wield baseball bats) requires a special kind of food. The only place I know for sure it'll always be in stock is Wal-Mart. I only buy cat food there (and litter, because the kind we use is also always in stock), but even THAT purchase makes me feel bad. I don't like feeling bad, but I truly see no other options. Suggestions?

AngryMan said...

At least Romney's not Huckabee . . .

Phoebe Fay said...

I love that cartoon!

Also, is that the same defense contractor that's a 22-year-old that got a $300 million contract?

Mrs. C. - Is is something you can order online? Do you have PetSmart in your town? Is there another store that sometimes carries it and would they order it for you?

Phoebe Fay said...

Also, thanks for the link, and I forgot to add that I am in favor of boycotting all things China.

Hungry Mother said...

Now I'm going to feel dirtier when I enter a Wal-Mart. I heard they might get Starbucks in them. (Or did I imagine that?)

Forrest Proper said...

Mike: I agree, I've always been against boycots, but this really does remind me of the 1936 Olympics.

Malach: Recognizing the problem is your first step...

Mrs. Chill: Welcome (belatedly) to MMB! I don't have an easy answer, except to echo Phoebe and ask if it is possible to get it at a pet store or by mail. Our cats have allergy problems, and eat a special food that is delivered by mail (they eat ground Bambi).

Angryman: The Mittster vs. the Huckster. Except in this case the Mittster is the real huckster. Geez. mebbe the Albino Midget will do us all a favor and chose a real Republican, like David Duke.

Phoebe: good suggestion. Yeah, China is a problem. Too bad they bought all our bonds and basically are holding our balls (financial solvency) in their hands.

HungryMo: Starbucks in Wal*Mart. Isn't that sorta like Darth Vader going to work for Lex Luthor?

Kerstin said...

There are a thousand reasons to boycott Wal*Mart, not the least of which is the substandard wages they pay their employees...and if they're lucky enough to qualify for benefits, they should probably live in a plastic bubble.

Love the Olympics piece too. I get so caught up in the event, I tend to forget the political aspects of it. Thanks for the reminder.

here today, gone tomorrow said...

I'm embarrassed to tell you how many times I've watched that video. Have you seen the new one where Simon's cat is trying to get inside the house?

And why do you say "so veeeery close to the truth?". I just haven't found Fiero's bat.

Anonymous said...

That's my Janey all right!

Anonymous said...

That's my Janey all right!

Malicious Intent said...

I so love this video, because this is our cat Moon waking us up every day, minus the baseball bat. But he is good bout slamming the shutters on our heads opening the window.