McCain & Hussein - From Fox we have a completely fictional action series- Vietnam War veteran and ex-POW Jack McCain (Chuck Norris) spends each week chasing B. Hussein Osama (Tony Shaloub), a secret Islamic agent posing as a respectable American politician who is plotting to destroy America.
Palinpalooza - This new Bravo channel offering gives contestants a chance to win points by throwing pork at a giant map of Alaska. Michael Moore hosts.
And what would an election season be without toys & games?
Coming this Fall from Mattel, the Keating Five Action Figure Set. This set comes with realistic plastic figures of all the Keating Five senators, including a John McCain figure whose arms move up and down to accept bribes. Accessories include black bags full of play money and a Flexible Ethics Accessory PakTM for each figure.
Also from Mattel, check store shelves for TwisterTM "Election Edition". Players contort themselves into unusual and impossible shapes as they try to keep both hands and feet on colored circles marked "Experience", "Change", and "Patriotism".
Just a bunch of reasons to give up television as far as I can tell.
I'm going to check out the Tina Fey show. I'd follow her anywhere.
In Where's Sarah?, I wouda cast John Goodman as th moose.
And you gotta creddit Mattel, fer makin a McCain figgr whose arms can atchualy move.
It's amazing what free money can accomplish.
They must stop putting nice Catholic Shows on TV, yes, yes.
Hey, hey, hey!
Tina Fey!
It's a great day!
Tina Fey!!!
"Where's Sara?" Is far too close to reality if she should get into office. Though don't forget the kids having premarital sex in the bushes of the VP's mansion.
I would do both Sarah and Tina
Oh how I love Tina Fey.
So tied of the same old programing. South Park still sounds more interesting to me. Sadly I am sill watching it as it shows more thought and creativity. Also, more realistic.
Toys...not the kind of "toys" I am interested in at my age unless they take batteries. And there is NOTHING with McCain or Paln with batteries that I am interested in. Yuck!
Popey: You mean like Wheel of Indulgences?
Catalyst: Tina Fey makes any day better!
Beach: That's another show- "Anchorage 99210".
Malach: At the same time?
Cissy: Tina Fey for President!
MI: Eww! A battery-operated Sarah Palin 'device'... eww! eww! ewww!
Nice lineup of shows. If I added "Lost", "24", and "Entourage", I'd have all I need.
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