Figuring better late than never, Amy and I finally went to see Casino Royale on the big screen last night. It was showing at the 116-year old Academy of Music theater in downtown Northampton, which is closing because they don't have enough money to keep it running (I'll tell that story someday soon) and last night's 8:15 show was the last movie to be shown there, at least for a while. Here's a picture of the inside of the theater as it still looks today-

I know everyone else has already seen it but allow me a few comments anyway- this is, by far, the best Bond film they've made in several decades, and Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Connery. Thank God they left behind the too-cute blow-dried Bonds. Craig's Bond is the first to be just as dangerous as Connery's. And according to Amy he has adorable blue eyes. They certainly are the bluest eyes I've seen on an actor lately, and when they bore in it's chilling.
Not only did they get the casting right, they got the movie right- no more substitutiing firepower and gadgets for, oh, you know -an actual plot. Sure, there were chases and explosions, but the movie was plot and character driven, and most of the weaponry was downright pedestrian- even the explosions looked realistic instead of overblown. And there was not a single appearance of the Space Shuttle.
Gotta love it.
The writers obviously had as much fun as the cast with this one, with a bunch of subtle jokes and references to the other Bond movies. At the start of the Big Poker Game Bond makes an order for a very specific martini and when he sips it looks surprised and mutters, "that's very good. I'll have to remember that". In a later scene, after an especially harrowing fight, he staggers back to the bar, drenched in sweat and blood, and orders a double vodka martini. When the bartender asks if he wants it shaken or stirred he snaps "Do I look like I care?"
And the ever-present 'Bond girls' were well-choosen also. Eva Green was a bit too stick-thin for my taste, but that was more than made up for the by (all-too brief) screen time of Caterina Murino, who was positively poured into her dress... That's Caterina taking aim up top there, and that's her again below, with Daniel Craig and Eva Green.

Eva Green is simply a dream ... I just wanted to say that that is one of the most beautiful theaters I have ever seen .. what a bummer that it has to close!
rf- yes, she certainly lights up the screen. It's not clear what going to happen with the theater- the city owns the building, and the problem the group running it has is long-term debt. They actually were profitable last quarter for the first time in many years, but have a $100,000 debt left over from repairs they had to make some years ago, and the Board decided they could not continue to operate. The announcement on Tuesday that last night was the last night caught everyone by surprise and it has been front page news in all the local papers for a few days now; my guess is that given a few months something may be worked out, but you never know. It's a great place to watch films, so we're all hoping for the best. Anyone interested in helping them can contact then through the link in my blog post.
What???? No space shuttle. I would have demanded my money back.
I have to say that I have not enjoyed Bond movies since the Sean Connery days. I had heard elsewhere that this new guy may just resurrect the character and make him his own. That would be great.
For the most part, you just can't go wrong with a Bond girl and these two are no exceptions to that rule.
mike- yes, Daniel Craig is the perfect Bond, and the two new Bond Girls are certainly A-100 examples.
I'm sorry to hear about the theater. Maybe all the attention will bring forth some folks with money who can help them get back into fiscal shape.
I'm very happy to hear that Casino Royale was so good. I've been wanting to see it, but nervous given all the hype. Still, if FB says his eyes are adorable, that's probably enough for me. ;-)
phoebe- this is one time the movie lives up to the hype. A really good movie, and one we may want to see again, to clear up some of the plot twists we lost track of. When was the last time a Bond film had plot twists you lost track of? And I am now questioning my statement that Caterina Murino and Eva Green are the best Bond Girls ever, and may need to see them several more times to make sure my judement is not faulty...
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