Cataloging old auction catalogs today, and could not resist sharing this piece. It's a German bronze figure, late 16th or early 17th century, of a decomposing man. A very rare representation, it most closely relates to a wood group in the NY Met. attributed to the Master of the Upper Rhine from the early 16th century. This piece was sold by Sotheby's London on December 16, 1971.
I wish i'd been collecting and solvent then, I'd have bought it.
I had a liver with a bottle of Chianti
Malach, did you have some nice fava beans, too?
It's early as I read this, so I'm working on my first glass of Ovaltine.
I had a little solvent tday.
Will you pardon me prposin,
That this guy AINT decomposin?
Hyprsensitive, weve gottn!
Cant we jus say, "DANG! Hes ROTTN"?
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