Sarah Palin Accuses Barack Obama of Wanting to Outlaw Christmas, Make Osama Bin Laden's Birthday a National Holiday, and Kill the Easter Bunny.
McCain Suspends Campaign to Deal With Current Crisis (but can't remember which one).
Obama Announces His Campaign is Buying Ad Space on Monopoly Games, Milk Cartons, & Postage Stamps.
Fox Network Announces "Who's The REAL Barack Obama?" Game Show Hosted by Tom Bergeron Will Debut This Week.
Joe Biden Strips Nude and Dirty Dances with a Donkey in Times Square in Failed Attempt to Get Anyone to Pay Attention to Him.
McCain Drops Palin, Begs Catherine Zeta Jones to Be His New Running Mate.
I thought McCain preferred blondes.
HungryMo: That's true, but I needed an excuse to put up a picture of CZJ.
You need an excuse to put up a picture of CZJ?
Colonel, you are slipping big time.
You're right, of course, no excuse is ever needed for pics of CZJ. What was I thinking?
I'm sure Joe Biden has done with with donkey on a number of occasions.
Probably- but it's a lot safer to dirty dance with a donkey than an elephant.
My god, Colonel, you've gone 'round the bend! I didn't think you'd take the Red Sox loss as badly as that!
Wow I just noticed my comment. The first "with" = something. Oh well. I shouldn't pump boobie juice & blog at the same time.
Catalyst: Dunno what you mean. I'm FINE. FINE FINE FINE FINE FINEFIENFINEFIENENRIEHDNEMRJwk;shawe;kfjhwerglsjkf;!@@!!!!!
I'm fine.
why do you ask?
C.Rag: oh my lord, the mental images...
McCain has flashbacks and goes on a shooting spree
I have not seen Biden strip nekkid around town, but he can walk around town here in DE and no one really pays him much mind. Guess we are just use to seeing him in public all the time, so no biggie. So nekkid in Times Square, thats NYC, no one pays a damn bit of attention on what others do in Times Square.
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