Anyway, the point of this all is that I'm going to let one of our hardworking book cats, Pyewackett, entertain you. So I've set up a web-camera, and you can just keep checking back, because she does all sorts of interesting things.
I know it may look like this is just a .jpeg, not a live webcam, but I assure you, it's refreshed every 1/10th of a second.
Just look at her go.
Wow, for a cat she is pretty active.
Mike- yes, she's a real go-getter. She regularly excercies her eyelids, and every morning she does ear twitches.
I bet th mice play evn when th cat AINT away!
Joey- our mice strung both cats with tinsel this past Christmas, and put a little red bow on Py's head.
Py yawned and went back to sleep.
She looks kind of cat-aleptic to me.
Cat-alyst: well, she's certainly cat-atonic.
Cat-a-log hehehe. (See, that doesn't work in Australian. You know, cause of the 'ue' ending. And because it's not very funny.)
Cissy- that's ok, Py isn't a very good speller.
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