
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cat Cam-

I've managed to get myself a bit behind the 8-ball today, with the new March catalog due to be shipped to the printer tomorrow by 5, and me still cataloging books this morning, with set-up, cut & paste, cover design, & proofing all still to be done (well, I can always say I proofed it, and the Book Elves snuck in later and retyped that entry to read "dust jacket lightly oiled".

Anyway, the point of this all is that I'm going to let one of our hardworking book cats, Pyewackett, entertain you. So I've set up a web-camera, and you can just keep checking back, because she does all sorts of interesting things.


I know it may look like this is just a .jpeg, not a live webcam, but I assure you, it's refreshed every 1/10th of a second.

Just look at her go.


Mike said...

Wow, for a cat she is pretty active.

Forrest Proper said...

Mike- yes, she's a real go-getter. She regularly excercies her eyelids, and every morning she does ear twitches.

Joey Polanski said...

I bet th mice play evn when th cat AINT away!

Forrest Proper said...

Joey- our mice strung both cats with tinsel this past Christmas, and put a little red bow on Py's head.

Py yawned and went back to sleep.

Catalyst said...

She looks kind of cat-aleptic to me.

Forrest Proper said...

Cat-alyst: well, she's certainly cat-atonic.

Cissy Strutt said...

Cat-a-log hehehe. (See, that doesn't work in Australian. You know, cause of the 'ue' ending. And because it's not very funny.)

Forrest Proper said...

Cissy- that's ok, Py isn't a very good speller.