
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop It, Storm!!

In case you haven't seen it, the religious bigots who are insisting on legislating their own narrow views of the Bible into laws for everyone have got a new ad on the tv, which can also be seen on You-Tube-

Now, the first time I saw this pitiful piece of fear-mongering, my first impression was that it was sooo campy nobody could really do a parody. It's like Dik Cheney, or Michelle Bachman- it's so silly that it is its own parody.

I am now ashamed for my own dismissal of the talents and genius of my fellow Americans out there who have indeed created some very funny lampoons. Many thanks to Bucky 4-Eyes for finding this one-

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Colbert Coalition's Anti-Gay Marriage Ad
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorGay Marriage Commercial


Mrs. Chili said...

My state is voting on gay marriage and transgendered rights today. I've called and emailed my Senator, and I'm watching the vote very closely (and vibing a lot of hope)....

Oh, and silly man, you should NEVER underestimate the ability of the likes of Colbert and Stewart to mock this stuff. I agree it shouldn't be that easy, but still...

Buzzardbilly said...

So far, at the legislative level, our state (WV) has been coming down on the side of fairness more than the side of those nimbobs who did that ad. You can find the details at WV Blue. Dems have always owned our legislative branch (both houses), but more people vote for those other guys when it comes to presidents and we run back and forth between the two on governors. I've got some hope that fairness just might prevail here after all. Not gay myself, but I detest laws that are made simply to be unfair and watch Christians get all stirred up so that the insurance companies (who stand to lose a lot of $$ if gay partners get rights) can continue to rape the economy and the poor insured people all they want. Less people eligible for insurance in a one-worker household = less doctor visits the insurers have to pay for.

Gina said...

I just don't get these folks. The whole, "I am losing my rights" argument makes no sense. There are simply no words. OK, yes there ARE words, but they are really bad words and I probably shouldn't say them here. But the second and third video renewed my hope in humanity.

Mike said...

Do you suppose Texas will ever enact gay marriage laws?

I mean not laws against it, because that's pretty much a given. I am talking about laws allowing it.

Probably not.

Git along little doggie.

Commander Zaius said...

Texas will have pro-gay laws about the same time South Carolina does.

Malach the Merciless said...

Gay should be as unhappy as the rest of us married idiots