
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Happy-

I love bee balm and planted some in the day-lily bed behind the garage but it never thrived. Planted some last year in front f the stone wall 50 feet away but in partial shade, and this year it's five feet tall, and yesterday we saw two hummingbirds in it.

I guess it's happy.


anaglyph said...

Yes, but are there any bees??? It's not called 'Hummingbird Balm' after all.

Forrest Proper said...

Ack!! You mean it's an... an... an IMPOSTER????

Malach the Merciless said...

Or maybe, it is a terrorist plot

anaglyph said...

OK. Here's my suggestion - give it until the end of summer to see if any bees show up, and if none, torch the whole thing with a flamerhrower.

Only way to be sure.