
Monday, October 09, 2006

Censorship on Parade-

From the New York Times this morning, more bad news for authors- it seems that writing a book critical of a Conservative pundit can cost you your job. The Times reports that Reuters financial editor Joe Maguire had obtained permission from Reuters to write a book about Ann Coulter (not for Reuters, but on his own, but he still needed their permission, which is also screwed up, but never mind...), but that once it was done and turned out not to be complimentary, Maguire was told that his services at Reuters were no longer needed. Reuters confirms that Mr. Maguire was fired (though they refuse to use the word) and, as the Times notes- "When asked what changed once the book was ready, a company statement pointed to Reuters’ principles of “integrity, independence and freedom from bias.”

Now I'd really like to give Reuters the benefit of the doubt here, but one has to wonder why Reuters seems to be so certain that anything critical of Coulter must, apparently by definition, lack "integrity, independence and freedom from bias"? Sounds as if Reuters is the one lacking integrity, independence and freedom from bias to me...


Mike said...

Let's face it, when Ann gets in too much trouble she is going to pose for Playboy and write a tell all book. I can't wait. I just hope she doesn't tell that whole story about me and her and Laura Bush. It could be a huge scandal and totally ruin my whole career.

Forrest Proper said...

now i know you're telling tall tales- i have it oin good authority that ann and karl rove and condi have been an exclusive threesome for several years now.

btw- does laura still have that fur covered, uh, thing?

Mike said...

Colonel...ummm...which fur covered thing? I mean, well yes if you are talking about what I am talking about. You were referring to George, right?